As part of the Our Future is Green (“OFG”), Educating for Environmental Awareness project, Renovalia took part with the local Valencian town councils of Villar del Arzobispo and Casinos in organising a series of activities geared towards young children from both towns.

These activities were done at the workshop entitled “Dando la Lata”, with a view to inculcating the importance of recycling in the young participants. One of the actions comprised the children reusing cans to sow plants and later decorating them will all types of recycled materials.

Held over the 14th and 16th of August 2022, the workshops attracted the participation of some 80 children from the aforementioned towns, and there were also several children’s amusements such as bouncy castles, among others.

One of the key goals of our OFG project is to increase awareness of the environmental challenges facing us all. With this end in mind, we organise these types of activities to raise awareness among children in a way they will find entertaining.


“OFG” day with Graciano Atienza School

EY visits Renovalia photovoltaic power plants

“OFG” day at Valtierra