Measures taken for our employees
For Renovalia, the safety and health of those who are part of it has been and is an absolute priority.
Since the beginning of this crisis, the company decided to close its offices. Long before the Government’s recommendations, it was one of the first companies to reach this decision, as well as to implement teleworking for all its employees. A Crisis Committee was set up to take the most appropriate measures and to monitor and control the situation on an ongoing basis.
In all the actions described below, special attention has been devoted to the maintenance personnel of our plants who have continued to work during the Alarm State.
Medical checks were arranged for all employees. In addition, online courses were offered in relation to the measures to be adopted for protection against COVID-19, prevention of occupational risks and teleworking.
During the time of confinement, the Human Resources Department has been in continuous contact with those employees who have lived in circumstances of risk of contagion.
Regarding the return to the offices, this was decided when the Health Authorities declared the transition to Phase 1, and the following measures have been established:
- Carrying out COVID-19 tests to all employees and their families who requested it.
- Implementation of thorough cleaning and disinfection measures in all offices.
- Measurement of COVID-19 exposure of all jobs, in all countries where we are present, and evaluation of the risks of such exposure.
- Implementation of protocols of obligatory fulfilment during the permanence in the offices, and delivery of PPE to all the employees.
- Distribution and remodelling of the working areas in the offices, complying with safety measures of at least two meters between them, and installing methacrylate panels.
- Reorganization of the time spent in the offices, with flexible entry and exit schedules, and with measures to reconcile face-to-face work and telework. The objective: no more than 50 percent of the employees in the offices at the same time.
- Preparation of a plan for the supervision and monitoring of these measures by the Human Resources and Occupational Risk Prevention areas.
- In addition, regular medical tests will continue to be conducted in order to comply with one of our most important values: the safety of our employees.