Actions with Public Institutions

One of the Renovalia’s Social Responsibility commitments is to develop actions that add value in the communities where it operates. And without a doubt, the arrival of COVID-19 has reinforced this commitment.

Since the start of the crisis, Renovalia has been in dialogue with Town Halls, Health Authorities and Institutions in the communities where we operate to collaborate in everything within our reach. We have approached these entities in order to take an interest in their situation, find out their needs and attend to their requests.

In this sense, protective facial screens have been delivered to all those institutions that have requested them, for the use of their employees who work daily in front of the public. So far, screens have been delivered to the City Council of Villarrobledo, the City Council and the Public Library of Puertollano, the City Council of Zorita de los Canes and the Health Center of Yebra.

In addition, in response to a request from the Union Hidalgo Municipality in Oaxaca, Mexico, we have provided 30,000 protective masks to be delivered to the entire population.