Equipo Planeta is a family television series aimed at young children that features different characters and uses songs, crafts and curiosities about animals to promote care, respect and conservation of the natural environment. Renovalia works with the Equipo Planeta programme on Castilla-La Mancha Media television to raise children’s awareness about the importance of preserving the environment.

Mindful of the importance and efficacy of the programme’s educational mission, which is fully aligned with our own Our Future is Green (“OFG”) project, Renovalia funds Equipo Planeta. Our collaboration with the programme also includes broadcasting documentaries on Renovalia’s activities to protect nature. These feature sheep grazing and installing bee hives in our photovoltaic facilities, and picking up litter from the countryside. For a few hours, our facilities turn into a TV set to record programmes that educate children about renewable energy, how to fight climate change and how to take care of the environment, and an excellent platform to implement our “OFG” project.


CSR Report 2023

Collecting “Environmental Litter”

“OFG” day at Valtierra