Good Tax Practices

The Board of Directors of Renovalia Energy Group, S.L., at its meeting on 15 June 2021, approved the inclusion of Renovalia Energy Group, S.L., and all the companies belonging to the Group, as a company that adopts the Code of Good Tax Practices.

The adoption of the Code of Good Tax Practices is part of the Group’s strategy and is aligned with its values, like transparency, security and excellence, among others.

The aim of this Code is to increase the efficacity of Tax Authority controls, to reduce companies legal insecurity and litigiousness between both of them. The Code, which membership is voluntary, is based on the principles of transparency and mutual confidence between Tax Agency and the companies that adhere to it. In this way, Renovalia’s Group ratifies its commitment with transparency and co-operation in fiscal matters.

On the other hand, Tax Agency agrees to provide further legal certainty in application and implementation of tax rules, through the publication of general application criteria and the establishment of criteria about tax treatment on certain operations.

The Good Tax Practices are defined in the Code as «all those practices that lead to a reduction in a significant tax risks and to the prevention of those business conducts that may generate them».

Renovalia’s Group, according to its Ethics Code and the Code of Good Tax Practices is not present at any territories clasified as tax havens by current legislation nor develop any activity inside them.

Related information:

Code of Good Tax Practices (