“OFG” day with Villarrobledo Cycling Club

As part of our OFG project activities, on March 27th 2022 a visit was organised to Renovalia’s facilities in Villarrobledo for cycling schools from Villarrobledo Cycling Club, alongside its Technical Director, Jose Luis Tornero.

All OFG actions focus on educating in environmental protection and awareness of climate change.

Renovalia executive Manuel Martinez, part of the volunteer network organised for this project, gave a training talk at Renovalia’s offices on the environment and the importance of renewable energies. He also showed the children and their families around Renovalia Control Centre, pointing out Renovalia’s facilities around the world and how each one is managed by the Operation & Maintenance (O&M) teams.

Afterwards, a bicycle ride to our “Casa del Ángel” photovoltaic farm, 16 km from the office, allowed the children and the accompanying families to see firsthand how energy is obtained from the sun.