Presentation of the project
«Natural parks and green sites for leisure Plan» in Puertollano

In May 11th, it took place the official presentation of the “Natural parks and green sites for leisure» Plan of Puertollano’s Town Council, within the Sustainable and Integral Urban Development Strategy 2023, known as EDUSI Puertollano 2023.

It is one of the most significant actions in the city of Puertollano in which Renovalia participates, in the context of the Cooperation Agreement that has been signed recently between both entities.

In the context of this Plan, Renovalia collaborates through the renewal of the playgrounds and green areas in the city, contributing thereby to the well-being of the community where it is present by creating integrated, friendly and sustainable spaces.

The public event took place in «La Rincona», the first park where the remodeling works are going to start. Local authorities, Renovalia’s professionnals and scholarship community attended it. The mayoress thanked Renovalia «for this part of wealth that it brings to the city», and there were highlighted as well the benefits of this kind of public-private partnership for the whole community.

“Our Future is Green”: Educating for environmental awareness”.

Furthermore, as part of Renovalia’s project “Our Future is Green», awareness-raising activities will be organized about environmental protection, renewable energies, nature conservation and the cohabitation in a green and sustainable city.

Through new technologies and games Puertollano’s parks will be connected by promoting the respect to natural environment. Moreover activities will highlight the impact that our actions have in climate change fight.

In each park a thematic game will be included to motivate the participation of children and their knowledge about the city. Puertollano’s history will be promoted, from its mining past to the production of energy by means of renewable sources. Finally visits will be organized to Renovalia’s photovoltaic plants in Puertollano.


«El Sol con el Lince» Campaign

«Ciudad de Puertollano» Award

CSR Report 2020