Last October Renovalia signed a collaboration agreement with the Fundación Baloncesto Colegial (FBC) to become a sponsor of «La Copa Colegial», and thus jointly promote educating at school level in environmental awareness and increase awareness of environmental protection, through sport and around basketball.

Within the mission of «La Copa Colegial», is to use basketball and competition as an educational tool, which aligns perfectly with Renovalia’s CSR project «Our Future is Green – education in environmental awareness» (OFG).

«La Copa Colegial», which has been held for 16 years and has a national scope, covers 220 schools, organises 350 competitive matches, with the participation of 5,000 players aged 15-18 years, 2,000 players aged 10-12 years, which for Renovalia is an exceptional platform to organise its OFG training days with its volunteer network.

Renovalia will be a partner of the FBC and national collaborator in the following activities:

  • «La Copa Colegial»
  • National Final Copa Colegial
  • All-Star and «PequeCopa» Collegiate
  • And main partner of the Anselmo López Jamboree, national meeting of «minibasketball and nature», being in charge of the training activity for all the participants related to its OFG project.

In addition, Renovalia will produce and name the «Renovalia Award for sportsmanship and fair play» at the national final.

It is a privilege for us to be able to collaborate as a partner of the FBC in these activities and a unique opportunity to accelerate the development of our OFG project.


Inauguration of the children’s playground «Plaza del Ayuntamiento».

OFG: Sagrado Corazón School

OFG: Horseback riding in Gurrea de Gállego