Since our inception we have understood the importance of positively influencing our stakeholders and sharing our values with them. For this reason, and although we have carried out Social Responsibility actions since our origins, it has been recently when we have developed our Corporate Social Responsibility Program. Social Responsibility is a common commitment for all of us who are part of Renovalia’s team.

In order for us all to be informed of the Social Responsibility actions that are carried out, we will inform you of them periodically through our CSR Newsletters. 
In this sense, we will shortly send the next Newsletter that will mainly deal with actions related to COVID-19.
Renovalia publishes the CSR Report 2019
Renewal of the Aerogubiños Social Project Agreement
“Our Future is Green: Educating for environmental awareness”
Renovalia builds a soccer field in Unión Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Mexico

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