A cooperation agreement for the development of a social and environmental project, has been signed with Valtierras’s City Council (Navarra) in June 30th. This agreement complies with Renovalia’s commitment to support the communities where the company operates.

This agreement combines a double social and environmental dimension thanks to a plan of social, educational and awareness actions for the protection of the environment through “Our Future is Green” project.

The main axes of this collaboration are the following:

Educational activities. We consider education a key factor in raising awareness of environmental protection and the fight against climate change. Through “Our Future is Green” project Renovalia want to promote «environmental awareness» mainly among children and young people, through training sessions in basic childhood education centres, high schools, vocational training and universities.

Sports training – Through children’s physical education, the aim is to help promote and develop values and skills, and improve the quality of life of children and young people in Valtierra through the practice of sports and especially soccer.

Ecosystem protection.- Renovalia collaborates in the protection of the Natural Park “Las Bardenas Reales”, declared as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. In this way the Company contributes for preserving areas with natural values and its fauna and flora.


GAVI, Princess Asturias Award

Protection of biodiversity

2020 Renovalia’s social actions in Mexico